Monday, October 31, 2011

Can't Stop the Feeling

The head is full is such devices. Backward glances are more soothing than what ever was. This child never stood as he does now. Dazed in his own memories.

It happens still. That desolating falling shudder inside and the our neighborhood seems only sprawling loops... like the patterns eaten on driftwood
-Peter Campion

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Burying Feelings

There are no remains, just memories. Fickle haunts evoked by age and act. A thousand frames placed on display. Over lit and colored in, they are not real, they do not mean a thing.

I've other pills
to tramp on grief,

estrange pain,
and hatch the part of waking that
is dreams,

double one dose to un-depress
and to write less and less
-Sandra McPherson

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

TThe MMost LLike

The book never discusses the causes of love.
It claims confusion is a necessary good.
It never explains. It only reveals.
-Mark Strand

With emptiness
There is clarity
In what always was

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Accepting Life as it Comes

You know that desire leads only to sorrow, that sorrow
leads to achievement which leads to emptiness.
You know that this is different, that this
is the celebration, the only celebration,
that by giving yourself over to nothing,
you shall be healed.
-Mark Strand

Our skin once stood firm against the sky

A canvas of sun and sweat and blood,

We died with the seasons splintering shift

Lying amongst the trees.

If this isn't it
Its pretty damn close

Friday, October 7, 2011

Forget About It

Look over me. Oh I feel dead,
Away in blankets for good, and
My room is clammy and cold,
And weird. The shivers
Wash over
Me, shaking my bones, my loose ends
And I lie with one eye open,
That nothing, nothing will happen.
-Mark Strand

when alone simply
gaze into paint

the ceiling has
galaxies carved into
plaster gleaming
smudges of spirit

consistency cannot
hold spite
for the sky

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


That quality of the great boxers
to be able to stand there
and take shots,

gargle with firewater,
encounter intoxication
at sub- and supra-atomic levels,
to leave one's sandals at the
crater's lip
like Empedocles, and descend,

not say: I'll be back,
not think: fifty-fifty
to vacate molehills
when dwarves want space to grow,
to dine alone,
and able to renounce your victory
a hymn to that man

-- Gottfried Benn
--Translated Michael Hofmann

When everything is over,

there will still be sound.

I am done with

those paradoxes about

trees falling in the forest

and the ego.

I have accepted indifference.

There will still be sound;

the rattle of the table,

the buzz of old words,

the fairgrounds,

abandoned horse races,

lingering sound.

All these things get louder

buzzing quickly

forming mass.