The head is full is such devices. Backward glances are more soothing than what ever was. This child never stood as he does now. Dazed in his own memories.
The head is full is such devices. Backward glances are more soothing than what ever was. This child never stood as he does now. Dazed in his own memories.
There are no remains, just memories. Fickle haunts evoked by age and act. A thousand frames placed on display. Over lit and colored in, they are not real, they do not mean a thing.
When everything is over,
there will still be sound.
I am done with
those paradoxes about
trees falling in the forest
and the ego.
I have accepted indifference.
There will still be sound;
the rattle of the table,
the buzz of old words,
the fairgrounds,
abandoned horse races,
lingering sound.
All these things get louder
buzzing quickly
forming mass.