Monday, June 10, 2013

No Gas, No Fire

I know the bottom, she says. I know it with my great tap root:   
It is what you fear.
I do not fear it: I have been there.

Is it the sea you hear in me,   
Its dissatisfactions?
Or the voice of nothing, that was your madness?

Love is a shadow.
How you lie and cry after it
Listen: these are its hooves: it has gone off, like a horse.
-Sylvia Plath

Canine Skyline
Roaring Even In Sleep

When pieced together
We fall apart

Every ending is
Ripped from
Somewhere else

Nothing complete
Without tears of the Other

Ritz To Rubble To Ritz

There doesn’t seem
to be a crack. A
higher pin cannot
be set. Nor can
you go back. You
hadn’t even known
the face was vertical.
All you did was
walk into a room.
The tipping up
from flat was
gradual, you
must assume.
–Kay Ryan

Carnival Apocalypse 

The floor is littered with debris
Abandoned artifacts collected by the graveyard

children cling to their parents
oblivious to the machines spinning above them 
Their older brothers running between the flashing lights
strapping themselves into boxes and screaming.

I’m nauseas 
inhaling burnt cotton
and drinking beer from plastic
My phone wont seem to function
And the alleys don’t make sense

What can I do but wander?
Watching the chaos unfold through blurry vision
Searching the crowd for searching’s sake
Listening to everyone except myself