In the beginning there may be the word, but there is also the
[We] learn the grammar of our being before we grasp the
rules of our language
We speak, but only ever partly, and the unspoken is as
intrinsic a part of our utterance as the enunciated.
The unthought known is a substantial part of eachof us
-Christopher Bollas
The kids who run barefoot
across sharp rocks know
more about transference than most.
They dilute themselves from the earth
Never existing fully in any step
Navahos, ghosts, indigenous urgings
Where are their parents?
To be shoeless now is to invite disease
Or crippled bumblebees
Those kids know more
About transference
because their dread
isn’t for stepping on the edge
of something sinister
its for touching anything at all
awe is the suppression
of things too vast to utter;
a sudden clarity of the hopelessly
small perspective we share
and its unbounded negative space