Thursday, September 25, 2014

Waiting on the Washing Machine

I drink more wine,
not sure
If that’s cause
Or effect

Do wrinkles come
From seeing the world
Or from failing to notice
What it is you should have?

Kissing “girls”
Isn’t the same
When you have work
To wake up early for

othing fits where it’s supposed to
Little puzzle pieces jammed together
Days that don’t end or do so too fast
a sun and moon that won’t go away,
lingering like overbearing parents
peeking through their cloudy curtains.

The traffic hurts more than usual
With a broken radio and a slow leak
With steel structures gazing back at me
jigsaw giants to my winding ant march
soul dripping behind me like a slug trail

life spent on the wrong side of glass
watching beautiful women glide by
wondering where they all might go
and why I’ve never been invited

This city’s meant as a diversion
A destination to smash your dreams
But it’s given me more time to think
And it’s not as glitzy as it seems